Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Blue Ba-jibble Captured!

Hello, Doc here.
While Wyatt, J, and I were walking around the pond, we startled the blue Ba-jibble! It sprang out at us, and Wyatt and J hid behind a rock. In my old age, I couldn't get there in time, so the Ba-jibble just sprang into my arms! Talk about luck! So, we analyzed it, took a pic of it, and here it is!
Its name is Cloud. Cloud likes to hide, and/or play hide 'n' seek. Cloud is very shy. Cloud has the ability to create rain and snow storms.
You can now adopt Cloud!!!

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Hi Ba-Jibble fans!

Hi I'm Oj pengy (call me Oj) I think Ba-Jibbles are AWESOME! And even though it doesn't exist (YET!) my fave Ba-Jibble would be the purple one! I think it would like magic! and sorta random things! Also i received info that the BLT saw something blue fly across the bottom of the pond but they missed it! Was it A Blue Ba-Jibble or was it a huge furry fish? Blue is my fave colour but i think purple would be best for a Ba-Jibble!

Oj ;-)

(BLUE BA-JIBBLE CASE UPDATE-FROM WYATT- Just a few minutes ago, while Doc and I were inspecting the pond, we caught our second glimpse of a Blue Ba-jibble! It appears like it is made of something different than the other Ba-jibbles! We'll keep checking in, but I think we're onto it!!! We figured out that Ba-jibbles like to hide in something their own color! Light is yellow, lava is red, water is blue!! We'll get it soon!!)

New Ba-jibble Discovered!

Late last night, the BLT (Ba-jibble location team) discovered a NEW Ba-jibble! Its name is Rap, an it was discovered near an old lavapit! Rap enjoys destroying things, and he can shoot fireballs!! Up to 30 feet!!!! Woah! BLUE BA-JIBBLE CASE UPDATE: We are still trying to locate the Blue Ba-jibble. We have some blue Ba-jibble hair that we found near a small pond. We will keep investigating the pond, but until then, hang tight!

Adopt Rap now!!

~Wyatt :D

What Are Ba-jibbles?

Glad that you asked!

My name is Wyatt, and I'm a Ba-jibble expert. Or, I guess I would be... if they existed...

Ba-jibbles are small, furry creatures. They come in all different colors... Or so we think. You see, now only 1 kind of Ba-jibble has been dicovered. This is the Yellow Ba-jible. Here is a picture.
So, that's a Ba-jibble! If you want to have your very own Ba-jibble, go to the BAC (Ba-jibble Adoption Center) on the side.

~Wyatt :D