Sunday, 15 February 2009


Hey, Ba-jibble hunters! :O I don't mean killing them, I mean finding them!!

Oj gave me a cool idea about Ba-biscuts! Doc worked on them a bit last night, but they seemed to only attract birds... :(

So, J, Doc, and I would like to have a contest! We need a list of ingredients for Ba-biscuts to put in the food so that they REPEL birds and ATTRACT Ba-jibbles! The winner gets to decide what the next Ba-jibble will be to search for, and they get to draw a pic of a Ba-jibble which will be featured on this site! Good luck, and may the Ba-force be with you!

The Ba-jibble Team


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, LOL, Ba-biscuts. Got any ideas?

    Hey, Scooby, I'm really, really sorry that you have to leave, but I just want to say a few things.

    Will you still post on your blog? I think you should. It'd be a shame to see such a good blog die. :( Also, will you keep visiting Hippapalooza? I really will make it more fun for teens or whatever you call people who are 11and 12.

    Lastly, I'll miss you, and hopefully we can still chat. Don't worry, I'm not an assassin or anything! :P I'm just some normal American boy. I'll seeya, Scooby... bye.

  3. i think hippapalooza is a bit kiddish too no swearing everything so childly

  4. Breki, It is BAD, VERY BAD to swear. What if a child that is about 7 years old comes on? Then what? Childy... What do you mean by that?

  5. Hmmmm yeah they ran out at the pet store. :-| And the manufacturers have shut down. We have to make our own now... anyway how about bird eggs (for anti birds) and wheat and oats. :-)

  6. Oh and i just got the best idea! for different ba-jibbles add special flavours! I can only think of 2 Rap - chilli sauce cloud - moisten with water! or add fish
