Tuesday, 30 December 2008

New Ba-jibble Discovered!

Late last night, the BLT (Ba-jibble location team) discovered a NEW Ba-jibble! Its name is Rap, an it was discovered near an old lavapit! Rap enjoys destroying things, and he can shoot fireballs!! Up to 30 feet!!!! Woah! BLUE BA-JIBBLE CASE UPDATE: We are still trying to locate the Blue Ba-jibble. We have some blue Ba-jibble hair that we found near a small pond. We will keep investigating the pond, but until then, hang tight!

Adopt Rap now!!

~Wyatt :D


  1. Oh, and if you would like to join the Ba-jibble discovering team, leave a comment!

  2. Oh, Wyatt, thank goodness you blogged for me!

    I was up so late last night with the Red Ba-jibble case! I can barely stay awake! Oh, and for the people who don't know me, I'm Doc. I study Ba-jibbles. Cute creatures, they are...

  3. No prob, Doc!

    Hey, did you investigate the pond yet?

  4. I investigated that pond. I haven't found anything yet. I'll keep looking.

    Oh, by the way, I'm J. Im the only gal on the BLT!

  5. can i join pwetty pwease? i think they're so cut! like puffle's with wings! awesome! by the way i think a purple ba-jibble would be soooo awesome! by the way do 'J' and 'Doc' actually exist?

  6. btw I put one on CPMania go check! ;-)

  7. Thank you Scooby Snakx and Oj.

    Er... Doc and J exist... In my mind... ;)

    So, no, is the answer.

  8. Oj Pengy-

    Thanks for your comments! You may join this site, because it appears that you LOVE Ba-jibbles!!! We will be researching for the purple Ba-jibble after the blue one!!
